Wellhub Support

Benefits for you

  • Simplify the attendance control of Wellhub members, reducing the burden on your team; This way you won’t miss a check-in.
  • Make it easier for Wellhub members to access your facility and ensure a user-friendly check-in experience.
  • Open up new sources of income by offering your offer to Wellhub members.

Set up interface

  • Add Wellhub settings for box in ThirdPartyIntegrations page.
  • Set Wellhub Gym Box Id for box.
  • Enabled Booking and access API for Box
  • Add Wellpass settings for user in UserDetails page.
  • Set WellhubUserId for user.

Wellhub CheckIn

  • If a Wellhub user tries to check in for class, we will validate the Wellhub user.
  • First, we are checking if Wellhub Access API is enabled for the box or not.
  • We will get Wellhub Gym Box Id from Box Settings.
  • Then get the Wellhub User Id from the user settings.
  • Call the Wellhub validate access API to validate Wellhub user and box.
  • If we get success (status code 200), then the user can check in for class; otherwise, we will show an error.

Wellhub user account

  • User can add details of Wellhub on signup / drop-in.
  • User can add Wellhub User Id at the time of signup.
  • User can add Wellhub User Id at the time of drop-in.
  • Wellhub User Id will save in user setting

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